And those who did.
"Oh I'm lookin' for my missin' piece
I'm lookin' for my missin' piece
Hi-dee-ho, here I go,
Lookin' for my missin' piece"
Sometimes it baked in the sun
but then the sun would come and warm it again.
it could not roll very fast
so it would stop to talk to a worm
and sometimes it would pass a beetle
Over land and over seas
So grease my knees and fleece my bees.
I'm lookin' for my missin' piece."
up mountains
Until one day, lo and behold!
I've found my missin' piece
So grease my knees and fleece my bees
I've found my..."
"Wait a minute" said the piece.
"Before you go greasing your knees
and fleecing your bees..."
I am nobody's piece.
I am my own piece.
And even if I was somebody's missing piece
I don't think I'd be yours!"
it said sadly
"I'm sorry to have bothered you"
And on it rolled.
but this one was too small.
And this one was too square.
the perfect piece
and lost it.
it held too tightly
and it broke.
another piece that seemed to be just right.
"Hi" said the piece.
"Are you anybody else's missing piece?"
"Not that I know of"
"Well, Maybe you want to be your own piece?"
"I can be someone's and still be my own."
"Well, Maybe you don't want to be mine."
"Maybe I do."
"Maybe we won't fit.."
It fit!
It fit perfectly!
At last! At last!
And away it rolled
and because it was
now complete,
it rolled faster and faster,
Faster than it had ever rolled before!
to talk to a worm or smell a flower
at last it could sing
"I've found my missing piece"
And it began to sing
"I've frown my nizzin'geez
Uf vround my mitzin'brees
So krease ny meas
An bleez ny dregs
Uf frown..."
Oh my, now that it was complete
it could not sing at all
"Aha" it thought.
"So that's how it is!"
So it stopped rolling....
I'm lookin' for my missin' piece
Hi-dee-ho,here I go,
Lookin' for my missin' piece."